Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Me as a doctor

Now the appointments are weekly. I went with Nikki to the last one. While we were waiting in the room for the doctor to show up I took the opportunity to play doctor and conduct the exam myself. I pulled up the little chair on wheels that they use and took up the position at the end of the table and had Nikki lie on her back. I then found a makeshift “chart” that I was reviewing and started the session:

Dr. Me: Hi how are you nice to see you again.

Nikki Patient: I am good. How are …………

Dr. Me (fiddling with notes): Baby active?

Nikki Patient: Yes he is moving quite a ………..

Dr. Me: Good. Contractions?

Nikki Patient: Well I was feeling some cramps yesterday but I thought that………..

Dr. Me: Good so you have had some contractions. I am not worried about it. Everything looks good. See you next week.

Nikki was laughing the entire time I was conducting my “exam”. Soon after, the real Doctor came in. Flipping through the chart page by page he seemed completely engrossed as he muttered:

“Baby active?”

The series of questions that followed was eerily like the ones I posed earlier while I was playing “Doctor”. Nikki had to stifle waves of laughter as she fashioned her response to the questions.

Anyway, everything seemed to be in place. She is one centimeter dilated and the baby weighs 6 pounds 4 ounces.

Oh and before he left, the Doctor (the real one) asked us how we will know when to call. I piped up.

“When she is 3 centimeters dilated”

Stoically he responded “How will you know she is dilated?”

Time for my punch line. “I’ll do the exam!”

He didn’t find it funny though. Muttering something about contractions being regular and five minutes apart, he left the room.

Lightening and baby due date

Nikki insists that the baby will be born early. She thinks it will be about two weeks early (or she would like it to be). But, the due date is November 20 and I tell everyone who will listen that the date is etched in my mind. I am mentally set for the 20th of November and any deviation from that date will completely throw me off.

She also insists that she has lightened (or dropped). This is where the baby has descended into the pelvic area and in position for delivery. Well, she has been that way for two weeks now as everyday for the past two weeks she asks me (tells me rather) that she has dropped.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Baby bags are packed.

We packed Nicholas’ bags over the weekend. We have a going home outfit, a onesie, three layettes, three hats, mittens, some swaddler thingeys, receiving blankets, burping cloths, some towels, and what resembles baby shoes. And that is just what I can remember.

I haven’t packed my stuff yet and neither has Nikki. But Nicholas is all set. His bag is sitting right next to the door in his room.

Breast feeding class

Remember that breast feeding class that I posted about recently? Well, I couldn’t skip out on it and believe me I tried. But, as with most of the classes I enjoyed attending. My only regret was that I wasn’t feeling well that day. Being ill, I couldn’t pay attention as I wanted to.

The class was informative. I always thought, how hard could breast feeding be? Baby is hungry, mommy has breasts with milk in them, baby grabs some titties and start feeding. Easy right? No, not quite. Latching problems are actually real. So we learned how to do and more importantly learned that we need to be patient in the process. We learned about the feeding process through different stages as the baby gets older. Good information.

The instructor toward the end of the class asked if there are any questions. Audaciously, I raised my hand and asked at what age we can give baby Nicholas a chicken leg. See, for me that is a milestone. A right of passage if you will.

Nothing will say Baby more than seeing him running around the house with a chicken leg half as big as he is with two top front teeth and one bottom one.

Cost of children’s books

Been a while since I last posted. I wanted to ensure that the baby room pictures stay on the main page for a good while. So now back to the updates.

We went to the store several days ago and Nikki wanted to pick up some baby books. The books are earmarked for the shelf that I have been putting off for weeks (hence the delay in the baby room pictures). When we got to the checkout line we realized that one book costs over ten dollars.

Maybe you guys didn’t hear me the first time. I said the baby book (read: “See Jane run” with a couple of pictures scrawled on the page) costs TEN DOLLARS! To put things into perspective Nikki got me a Tom Clancy book months ago that I am yet to read that costs like five or six dollars. If I can publish a few of these baby books I can retire in a couple years’ time.

I feel compelled to point out that a library card is free and there is a library right down the street. Every Saturday morning I will take him there and read to him for hours. Failing that I have no problem reading the Clancy spy thriller to him. So if he is talking about covert operations at three years old, we know where it comes from.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Picture # 1

Picture 1 of 10

Ten pictures are posted. They should do a good enough job of capturing the room.

I had to post them one at a time so you will have to click on 10 different posts.

Sorry about the virtual tour. The video file we have is too large to upload but the pictures should work just fine.

You can pull up all the picture posts by clicking on the label "pictures" below since over time the posts will go off the first page.

Picture # 2

Picture 2 of 10

Picture # 3

Picture 3 of 10

Picture # 4

Picture 4 of 10

Picture # 5

Picture 5 of 10

Picture # 6

Picture 6 of 10

Picture # 7

Picture 7 of 10

Picture # 8

Picture 8 of 10

Picture # 9

Picture 9 of 10

Picture # 10

Picture 10 of 10

Friday, October 19, 2007

Random thoughts

We are now at 36 weeks. Very soon, the doctor visits will be weekly. Nikki is probably ready for the baby to be born. So am I. I think I am at the corner of Excited Avenue and Anxious Street. Although from my vantage point I have fleeting glimpses of Apprehensive Lane.

The caution evolves from the ever growing realization that I hold the responsibility of raising a man in today’s world. If that is not enough to make you sit up and take stock I don’t know what will. Even though I embrace this awesome responsibility, from time to time I reflect on how I will do as Nicholas’ father.

Well, I think we will pack the bags for the trip to the hospital within the next week or so. I can’t recall all the things that we need to include so I have some homework to do. I am sure Nikki can rattle off all the things necessary but I am a tad bit slow. (Work with me here).

Speaking of the trip to the hospital, I remember watching some movie a while back where the dad tears off to go to the hospital and almost forgot his wife. I cringe at that thought and hope feverishly I don’t fall into that category.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

A few odds and ends

Remember that post about the T-shirt I saw in the store that said “Mommy’s new man”? Well I posted that I bought that shirt. Well Nikki pointed out that I did not in fact buy the shirt. So this is my idea of a retraction. But I am still concerned about being replaced. So I am still conditioning my mind about the impending relegation.

I know that there have been some grumblings over the lack of photo of the baby’s room. One request was also for a virtual tour. I did promise weeks ago to put pictures up. But, I have done my part for the baby room. I put together all the furniture and have them arranged and everything. But Nikki insists that something is missing from the room. Well duh Nicholas is not here yet! But if she says something is missing who am I to argue. Hopefully I will get the go ahead soon. And I am putting the blame for the delay firmly on the shoulders of the responsible party: Nicholas’ mother!

I believe we are ready mentally (and physically) for Nicholas to arrive. Sure, the sleepless nights are not on the top of my list of things that I look forward to but the excitement is now reaching palpable proportions. Interestingly one of the things that I am looking forward to the most is having Nicholas lie on my chest. Having that tiny body close and feeling the short sharp breaths with the little chest heaving is just awesome. I still remember vividly doing that with Angeline and I can’t wait to have Nicholas do the same. Some books claim that babies like to hear the rhythmic heartbeat but for me it was (and will be) one of the most powerful feelings in the world.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Baby Moons

Baby moons are the rage for pregnant couples nowadays. I learned about this new trend while reading a baby magazine a few months ago. Some clever marketer probably dreamed up this idea. So now we have to go on a Baby moon because, well that is just what expectant couples do.

Anyway, baby moons are similar in concept to honey moons. So Nikki and I are going for a weekend getaway. We will check into a Miami Beach resort over the weekend and engage in a little partying on a Tiki boat.

So one last hurrah is in the cards before Nicholas makes his grand entrance. And, Nikki has been practicing her dance moves. You have never seen dance moves until you see a pregnant woman doing those dance moves. I don’t mean The Waddle either. We are talking about some strange combination of the Cupid Shuffle, Tootsie Roll and some other crazy moves I haven’t come up with a name for yet.

So off to the Tiki bar (or was it Boat?) for some wild partying. I am thinking we can throw caution to the wind here since well, she is already pregnant.

Oh, and after we get back I will post pictures. (Of the baby’s room I mean!)

Monday, October 8, 2007

CPR class

Today (which is Columbus’ Day) we had a CPR class. Of all the classes that we are attending I particularly wanted to attend this one. I think we still have an infant care class and a breastfeeding class remaining. Just between us, I will try my best to wiggle out of the breast feeding class but as it stands I have been registered. I will keep you posted on that.

A side benefit of attending the CPR class was the harsh realization that I need to do some dry runs to the hospital. Yes, I did get a little bit lost on my way there. (I take solace that Columbus got lost too and look where he ended up) Well, I know where the hospital is. But, there is like ten different entrances to the one place. And I got a little confused for a bit. But I stuck with it and ended up getting there and learning a bit. I hope I will never have to use anything I learned in this class though but the knowledge in the event it is necessary is in fact priceless.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

More baby movement

I find it quite amusing that when Nikki gets ready to eat Nicholas starts to move. We sat down to eat one day and paused to have a brief conversation and he was just all over the place. It was as if he couldn’t understand the reason for the delay and was telling us to hurry up. It is just amazing, to me anyway. Also, he seems to be awake in the mornings now. Nikki joked that he wakes her up in the mornings. I would rest my hand on her stomach and just feel him run wild. Beyond words. The entire childbirth process is nothing short of a something to be marveled at and certainly appreciated.

We are now about 33 weeks and the closer we get to the November 20th date the more reflective I get. I find myself thinking more about the challenge of parenting and how different things are from when I was growing up. I am actually working on writing a couple pieces about my thoughts on this. Not sure if I will post them though but it is proving quite insightful. Suffice it to say I have moved from the young person that grown ups don't understand to the being the grown up that kids don't understand.

And the pictures are coming soon. The room is pretty much complete I think. I just need the final approval from Management (Nikki !)