Sunday, November 25, 2007

Nesting and accomodations for one!

Nicholas is showing no sign of being ready to be born. I suppose it is only fair since we don't have that "feeling" like Nikki will be going into labor anytime soon. I am not sure how we should be feeling but Nikki is still very much active. Sure, there is the nesting theory to which I alluded earlier but she has been in this mode for over a week. Just yesterday she was making some more banana bread and fried dumplings and singing Bob Marley's "Stir It Up." I don't remember the nesting period extending for more than a week in anything I read.

Well, I can't say that I blame Nicholas for delaying his arrival. Think about it. Do you voluntarily check out of all-inclusive hotels (or cruises for that matter)? You know, the ones where there is food all day long, you can toss the towels on the floor for someone else to pick up and you basically live in grandeur. So I ask you again, do you check out voluntarily or do they have to get some 300 pound over sized man-tank named Tiny to throw you out? That is why Nicholas is so hesitant to leave. He has all-inclusive accommodations all to himself where he enjoys fried dumplings with callaloo and salt fish or ackee and salt fish or oxtails and rice and beans. If he leaves he will have only milk. Though the packaging is appealing who wants to give up all that exotic foods and luxury?

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